Almost Grown Up

Moving on

May 22, 2008

So by now most of you are probably aware, at least  to some extent, of what happened between La and I. I’ve gotten some pretty nasty emails today, which has hurt. While it’s heartening to see that someone you care about so well cared for by her friends, it’s kind of crappy to feel so hated when no one stopped to ask you about what happened.

Could I sit here and explain my actions, my version of this? Yes. Would it accomplish anything? No. Those who know me will either ask me about what happened or will just accept that I’m not some horrible person. Those who choose to believe the worst about me will. There’s nothing I can do. Know that I am upset about what happened, but I won’t be speaking about it further.

To that end, with what I’ve seen today, I’ve decided to move. I certainly didn’t sign up for the nastiness that’s been thrown my way, so perhaps it’s better to change things from here, rather than fighting a battle with people who don’t care what I have to say.

So, sometime in the next week or two, I’ll be starting this little project up again elsewhere. To those of you who want the address, just email me or leave a comment asking for it and I’ll get it to you.

Posted in Reflections